This year’s Halloween season undeniably belongs to “Squid Game.” The thriller series is Netflix’s biggest series launch to date, and is the top show in 90 countries, with 111 million fans. We have compiled some tips and ideas to help you throw your very own Squid Games party!
1. Make neck placards with player numbers written on them.

2. Make your very own squid game costume! To dress as a player: buy a teal green tracksuit, cut out a player number on white paper and stick it on, or get an iron-on numbers patch. Slip on a pair of white slip-on trainers and your look is complete! To dress as a guard: buy a red/pink jumpsuit or tracksuit and a black morph-suit mask. Use thin white masking to recreate the spooky shape of a circle, triangle or square on top of your mask. Alternatively there are options out there to buy the masks and costumes.

3. Decorate your party with Squid Game symbol balloons. Blow up a bunch of white, pink or green balloons and use a Sharpie to draw the Squid game symbols on them. Or you can have a look online and purchase some squid game balloons that are available.

4. Print out small images of the squid game robot doll, get a string and make a bunting.

5. Make Squid Game cupcake toppers. Print out/draw the symbols on pieces of card paper then glue them onto skewers. Bake some cupcakes and stick on the toppers!

6. Make Squid Game cookies using circle, triangle, star and umbrella shaped cookie cutters.

7. Draw/print and cut out Squid Game shapes to hang or stick on your walls.

8. Make Squid Game Face Mask sticks by printing out the players’ faces, cutting out eye holes, then gluing them onto sticks.

9. Make Ddakji or Ttakji tiles (there are many tutorials online on how to!) and hang them from the ceiling using strings. Or alternatively, use them to play Ddakji with your guests!

10. Give out party favours in black boxes with pink ribbons.

11. Serve instant Ramen at your party.

12. Impress your guests by learning some Korean. Learn how to say and play the game: 무궁화꽃이 피었습니다 (Moogunghwa ggotchi peeyuhtsumneedah), which literally means: “The Rose of Sharon has bloomed.” Otherwise known as the western game “Red light, Green light.”

13. Play the ACTUAL Korean Squid Game! (Google how to!)